Indian boy, whose face and body are covered in tumours, believes 'the gods have cursed him.' (Photos)
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1:50 AM

16 year-old Indian boy, Mithun Chauhan, has his entire face and body covered in large swollen lumps, which Indian doctors have identified as neurofribroma, noting that there is no cure for the severest form of the disorder. Like most 16-year-old boys, Mithun Chauhan's mind is occupied by three things: Going to school, playing with his friends and meeting girls. But after a rare genetic condition left his body covered in large swollen lumps, he has convinced himself that he is destined to go through life alone.

'Why have the gods condemned me to a life like this?' says the teenager, through the inflamed lumps around his mouth. 'It is because of the way I look that my friends have abandoned me. Now nobody wants to play with me, it because of my looks that I cannot go to school or simply take a stroll in the neighbourhood.'

'After taking the medicine, my child's face started swelling. His entire body turned red like copper,' said Mithun’s father, Ramji Chauhan, who makes around £3 a day as a labourer.

Mithun's parents are desperate for him to get an education but until his condition is treated no schools will accept him as a student for fear he 'would scare away the normal kids'.
According to MailOnline, Mithun was admitted to a local primary school aged eight but on his first day, the children were revolted by the sight of him.
'They called me a ghost and started running for their life as if they had a seen a real one,' said Mithun.

'I am really scared of the image that I see in them... I usually stay at home during the day to avoid people. If women and children see my face, they freak out and run away saying, "Ghost! Ghost! My parents have forbidden me to go out at night as people tend to get more scared of seeing my face at night.